
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Extra Marital Love affair: The Overall Picture

What is an extra marital affair? In simple language it is a physical relationship by either spouse with another woman or man out side marriage. It means a relationship with a man or a woman who is not your legal partner. Generally it is seen that men are more prone to extra marital affairs. Why? This again is rooted in the genes of a man. Through out history   sociologists have come to the conclusion that man is by nature polygamous while a woman  is by nature monogamous. This has its inevitable fall out in an extra marital love affair. 
Generally such love affairs are not platonic in nature and to qualify as an extra marital affair a physical relationship is a requirement. A platonic love affair will not come under the definition of an extra-marital love affair.

What if your man is having an extra marital affair? How can you tell? This is a million dollar question and though the answer is simple yet a certain amount of alertness on the part of the wife will go along way in unraveling a knotty problem. 
Tell Tale Signs
a) Firstly a man is apt to forget simple things which he is told to do by his wife. He may forget to bring the required vegetables or attend to an important issue at home. He may forget to pay the school dues of the son or daughter. 
b) A man will start keeping late hours and be more and more out of home.  He could say there is extra work in his office or he is doing overtime on the directions of his boss.   If he is the boss himself he may say that the board of directors has given him some additional tasks to complete. In case this happens over a longer period then its best to check up from the office. But be discreet, that is the name of the game.
c) The husband will stop going out to dinners and functions with his wife. In case he does go, the frequency would be greatly reduced.  The wife would not that the husband is a little aloof during these outings and she wills not that the man wants to 'get it over' and head back quickly.
d) A husband instead of attending to small jobs in the house on Sundays and holidays will make some excuse of an 'important meeting' or something else and go away. This is a sure sign that something fishy is on.
e) Lastly the husband would not be performing his marital duty in bed and would fall asleep soon with the refrain ' I am tired'.   Thus sex would not be there.  When this happens the alarm bells must ring in the wife's head.
A woman or wife can also have a marital love affair. But as women are more emotional and sensitive the extra marital love affair is likely to deeply affect the wife's psyche. Unlike men who can mask their emotions and love 2 women at the same time, a woman is unable to do that. She is likely to become neurotic and tense and that could adversely affect her temper and attitude.

 Extra marital love affairs are best broken off after some time as the consequences can be devastating for the couple and more important for the children. There could also be a divorce and that in India is not easy and can drag on for years, unless it is a mutual divorce.
Extra marital affairs however have been going on since the dawn of civilization and are unlikely to fade away. The important thing is to be a realist and accept what has happened and look forward. Forgiveness of the partner is also important.

Right or Wrong

The last part of this post concerns whether it is morally wrong to have a extra marital love affair. Here I will add that the rules are a little different for a man and a woman. A woman having a extra-marital love and sexual relationship is on a road to  no return and may not be correct as women by nature are more emotional. However in case of a man, the game is different. A extra-marital love can  give a fillip to a marriage as well as a man by nature is polygamous. So a extra marital sexual alliance for a married man  may well be in the long run not such a bad thing at all. But he must know where to draw the line.

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