
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nude Rugby between Men and Women

I remember once reading way back in 1965 when the Indian Army crossed the Punjab border -a write up by Frank Moreas EdiRugby is a demanding sport, which requires extreme fitness. It’s not played much in India and the sub-continent, mainly as the game involves a rough and tough tackle and Indians don’t like it. But recently there was an event, that is both hilarious and a tremendous advertisement for the game. A rugby match took place between men who were nude and women with clothes. But they also had to shed clothes as the match progressed. This rugby match was staged this September at Dunedin. An all women Spanish rugby team the Las Conquistadores tackled the Blacks in an international rugby game. The men players entered the arena nude and the match was a hilarious event. It ignited interest in the game .The women won, but I suppose the result does not matter, it is the spirit with which it was played that matters.
The Spanish girls from Barcelona based rugby players gave a good account of themselves and were not afraid to tackle the nude men. Who were perhaps a little careful? An injury can be devastating. But it was good fun. Wonder how many nations will allow it? There is another version of this Rugby match. here the women come in clothed and the men are nude. But as the match progresses and for every goal scored by the women the women players have to start shedding their clothes. They start by removing the Tshirts, then the shorts and lastly the bra and panty. Some however feel shy of taking the panty off. All in all its a nice sport and a hilarious pass time. But in one match a woman's panty was ripped off by her team mates to the vociferous approval of the crowd

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