
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Dream of Jinnah Shattered in Pakistan * 63

Recently in an animated discussion in the US Club at Bombay, some one voiced an opinion that the state of Pakistan was the anti-thesis of what Jinnah wanted. Jinnah no doubt subscribed to the two nation theory, but that was just to counter Gandhi and Nehru. There is also little doubt that Jinnah was a secularist as is evidenced by his speech at Karachi after the creation Pakistan. Jinnah commented that religion was an individuals own perception and the state had nothing to do with it.
But alas ! that has not happened. Laws have been passed in Pakistan that make  a mockery of Jinnah's assertion. In particular the blasphemy laws are a terror and are used to cow down the minorities.In fact in a population  with 97% Muslims ,the number of blasphemy cases against minorities number over 70%.That is sad ,as the gun and the mullah have joined hands in Pakistan to create a Islamic state with the severest blasphemy laws.
No other nation and that includes the Muslim nations like Turkey and Egypt have any such severe laws.Sadder still is the fact that anyone who wishes to get the blasphemy laws repealed is murdered.Thus the killing of the Pakistan Governor  of the Punjab province is a pointer.The killer was showered with flowers and rose petals.Jinnah the ultimate secularist must be turning over in his grave at the mayhem enacted by Islamic hardliners, in the state created by him.

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