
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Significance of 12 September

Not many people know that 12 Sept is one of the most important days in the history of the Indian Army. This is also celebrated as the Raising day of the Sikh Regiments when they pass out from the Sikh regimental Centre at Ramgarh.
The first Sikh regiments were Incorporated by the British in 1846 after the first Sikh war.  The Sikhs over the years built up an association with the Raj that endeared for over a100 years. They served the Raj faithfully and loyally and there is no doubt that they were the linchpin of the British control over India. it was certainly a mercenary act, but then the entire history of India is replete with this particular facet.
However on 12 September the Sikhs were asked to garrison the fort at Saragrahi ( now in West Pakistan). In fact it is part of the troubled North West Frontier region in Waziristan. It is on record that 21 Sikh Soldiers led by havildar Iswar singh were put in charge of this small fort at Saragrahi. In 1897, about 10,000 Afghan Moslems rose up in a  holy war Jihad against British rule and accordingly attacked Saragrahi as well. It was a battle of 21 against 10,000 and certainly puts Thermopylae into the shadow. But this battle is not given its due.Records show that the Sikhs held the fort and for over 10 hours against this moslem horde and inflicted over 1000 deaths on the enemy. Such bravery is seldom seen.
All the fallen Sikhs were suitably rewarded and their next of kin got land grants. The entire  British Parliament also honored the Sikh's with a standing ovation. Surely the Indian Army and government should give due credit to this battle which remains a golden page in the history of the Indian Army,

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