In a discussion at the United Services Club bar, a Colonel mentioned the name of Quisling. Frankly the gathering drinking beer had never heard of him. I however have an inquisitive mind and i thought to dig deeper. here is some information of a man who is considered a puppet of Adolf Hitler
Vidkun Quisling
In the English language one word has been coined after this name and is synonymous with a puppet and traitor.Quisling is a term used as a reference to fascist and collaborationist political leaders.
Quisling was a Norwegian leader who sided with Hitler during World war II. In 1940 Hitler turned his attention to an invasion of Norway. In a brilliant military operation he landed German troops at 5 places on the coast of Norway. Quisling who had headed the Norwegian National Socialist party immediately ordered on 23 April 1940 for all resistance to cease against the German invasion force. However the Norwegian army fought on despite the order by Quisling.
Subsequently Quisling visited Berlin and met Hitler. As a reward for his collaboration he was appointed Prime Minister of Norway in 1942. As the Prime Minister Quisling faithfully carried out all orders of Hitler and many members of the Norwegian resistance were shot dead on his orders. At that time Quisling became a most hated man in Norway.
Quisling had along history of being a sympathiser of the philosophy of Hitler and perhaps that was the reason he was blind to everything. During his time all political parties were banned and the Nazi party of Norway was declared the only political party.
In 1945 Quisling had realized that Germany and Hitler would lose the war and he tried to make overtures to the allies. But the past caught up with him and he was arrested in 1945 at the end of the war and put on trial as a traitor and collaborator of Hitler. Charges of murder were also framed against him. Quisling was held guilty and sentenced to death. He was executed by a firing squad on 24 October 1945.
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