
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Understanding Pre-Mature Ejaculation. It Does Have a Solution

What is premature ejaculation?  Does it have anything to do with time? Can we quantify it ? 
Pre-mature ejaculation is a male problem. It basically concerns the period a man holds off during a sex act: in other words his power of sustenance. The problem becomes acute when during a sex act the man ejaculates pretty early leaving the partner cold and perhaps distraught. The word pretty early is complex and one wonders how this can be quantified.
The Journal of sexual medicine is a  forum that has high lighted this aspect of time in its representation of research. Three major studies have been brought to the forefront by this journal. The journal of sexual medicine is the official journal of the society of for sexual medicine.

Studies in Premature Ejaculation

The first study conducted in 2005 in 4 different countries of Europe gave some startling information. The study highlighted that the average time a man took to achieve ejaculation was 5.4 minutes. The study did not give the figures for the data and the numbers involved, but as a representative figure it certainly is revolutionary. The time of 5.4 minutes on a distribution curve would have 1 and 10 as the extremities.
The second study was conducted in the U.S during 2006. In this study researchers targeted a  base of 1500 men for experimentation.  Readings were taken from the time of penetration till the ejaculation.The figures that emerged showed that men who were considered to ejaculate prematurely did so in an average time of 1.8 minutes and those that did not the average time recorded was 7.3 minutes.
The third study in 2007 was more specific. As a pilot experiment it limited its research to men who were known to suffer from pre-mature ejaculation. The research revealed that a vast majority of men tested ejaculated in under 60 seconds. The time was calculated after penetration.
This research has led the International society of Sexual medicine proposing to quantify a period of one minute or less as the bench mark for premature ejaculation.

Acharya Rajneesh on Premature Ejaculation

The phenomenon is complex and there is no simple answer. Perhaps the best course to deal with the problem of premature ejaculation is the one enunciated by Acharya Rajneesh in his interpretation of tantra sex where orgasm and ejaculation is not the goal but only a milestone on the path to salvation.
Generally premature ejaculation does have some bearing on a woman’s orgasm. In case that is the aim then the mantra of Rajneesh which stresses extensive foreplay for  a long time is the one that could be a solution.

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