
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Do Indians believe in Professionalism ? * 65

Sometimes I wonder how the Indians ( read Hindus ) happened to lose innumerable wars, got themselves colonized, became serfs in their own land and what not. Such an history doesn't exist anywhere else. Even after the British had left, the Indians created a division in their society on the basis of caste and language, lost vast tracts of land to Pakistan and China and allowed the total number of people below poverty level to rise up to a formidable figure.
All this looks unbelievable and one can wonder why this has happened. Perhaps one of the reasons is lack of professionalism in  all walks of life. An easy going and laid back attitude and the belief that what is happening is because of Karma( Fate) has ensured that India remains as a nation that can raise laughs all around.
This can be summed up in one word and that is the Indians rarely attend to detail, content to let the buck pass to some one else. In this context the recent goofs of India's premier investigative agency the CBI are again something that is hard to explain. Forwarding a list of the 'most wanted' criminals to Pakistan is a case in point, when some of the 'most wanted' were comfortably ensconced in Mumbai jails.  It just shows a complete lack of doing anything in a professional manner.
Come to think, even the reaction of the Security agencies to the terrorist attack from Pakistan in Mumbai was to say the least extremely unprofessional, with the operations going on for 4 days and that can just not be explained. What should have been a surgical strike was allowed to linger on and this certainly did not save lives.
Add to this a prime minister foisted on 120 crore Indians, who can't even win a Panchayat election and you can imagine where India is heading

In case India has to seriously be considered a power , this spirit of professionalism needs to inculcated at all levels. Until that happens , I am afraid India could be heading for trouble in the coming years.

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