
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Death of Osama, is it the Beginning of Another Jihad

Osama Bin Laden is dead and reportedly buried at sea.  The Americans are celebrating, but I do feel the celebrations are a bit premature. The death of Osama could be the precursor to a more terrible jihad.  Islam as we all know has been fighting holy wars (Jihads) for  nearly 1500 years. It is something built into their psyche. Thus there is every chance that though Osama is dead and gone, his ghost will exhort other Islamic fighters to carry on this struggle of 'jihad'. There is no doubt that large numbers of Moslems do not follow the policy of Jihad, but again a large number do feel a holy war is justified and it is from these that the movement will be strengthened. Fighters are available from the Middle East, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and other places to fight in this holy war.
President Obama has rightly announced that 'we are not at war with the Muslim world', but who will listen to him? I understand a lot many Muslims have been hurt by the shooting of bin Laden and quite few are unhappy with his burial at sea. Thus despite being dead Osama remains a cult figure, something like Che Guevara. The USA and the Western powers will have to guard against a back lash that could sting. The ghost of Jihad has not gone for 1500 years and is not likely to go away so soon. So let us not celebrate, not yet at least.
How very true. The death of Osama has seen the rise of Abu Bakr  al- Baghdadi. This man is now the caliph and he has seized vast lands and people follow him and the West is at a loss as to what to do. One terror leader breeds another, that is the law of nature

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