
Friday, February 3, 2012

Is American Democracy Flawed ? Only the Rich can get Elected

America is a democracy, but that is more in word than deed. The US president is arguably the most powerful man on this planet. There is no doubt on this score. But there is certainly a doubt as to whom the US president represents. Does he represent the common American citizen or the rich aristocracy ?

Starting with the big daddy of all George Washington who owned 300 slaves and 60,000 acres right down to the present challanger Mitt Romney, I can't think of a man who became US President in the 20th century who came from an improvished household. The fact is a man cannot become the President of the USA,who is himself not rich and has no money bags to back him. In that respect democracy in the USA is a flawed democracy.

There are exceptions like Lincoln, but that was from a bygone age and not at all possible. The present challanger,being labelled as the great 'white hope' to take on Obama is perhaps the richest of all US presidents in the present age and time.. His wealth estimated between $ 190 to 250 million dollars makes him 50 times richer than Obama. Though Obama is certainly not a poor man wjth an estimated wealth between $ 2.2 to 7.5 million. As far as Mitt Romney is concerned, he is way ahead of the Bush's and Carter. Mind you Romney has only disclosed only the broad outlines of what is his worth. His real worth may be double or triple of this disclosure.

Now we have another President hopeful in the shape of Donald Trump. Here is another man with millions, not forgetting Hillary Clinton who is has billions pledged to her by the Business community.

I wonder why the Americans cannot elect a man who is a commoner and lived with the common people. This presently is highly unlikely with the Presidency in the grip of the capitalists. Thus democracy in the USA is for the rich man. Can we see a poor man sit in the White House.That for me is the million dollar question.

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