
Friday, July 22, 2011

Is The USA in an Eclipse Mode ?

The Second World War ended in 1945. Nearly 65+ have elapsed since then, but my mind is in a bit of turmoil and that concerns the USA. Is it on the path of an eclipse? In case Obama brings the US troops back from Afghanistan, I feel that would be the start of the setting sun on the USA.
The fact is that every single war fought by the USA has been either a defeat or a pyrrhic victory. There was Korea and the failure to beat the communists. Then Vietnam which was a colossal defeat.  The victory in Iraq was pyrrhic and the birds are coming home to roost with Iraq in turmoil with daily bomb blasts and terror activities.
‘The test case is Afghanistan. If the USA back down now that will be the start of the setting sun on US as a world power. The result of this is that by default China will be the gainer and without firing shot.
 It’s a difficult world and the USA and Obama better beware.

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