
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

World Yoga Day

Yoga is as old as Indian history. It traces its origin to a hoary past and much of the knowledge has come down from word of mouth. However ancient Indian yogis who had mastered the art of yoga were supposed to have developed supernatural and ESP once they had mastered the intricacies of yoga. This regimen consists of poses that include standing on the head . Tese poses also called asanas;has to be done under the guidance of a master and one must never try and do these poses on one's own. a guru is a must.In the 20th century, many India masters like swamuBharti, Swami Shrafddanand, Mahesh yogi and Acharya Rajneesh taught yoga as well its meditation aspects to the west. Two years back the Indian government under Narendra Modi decided to put yoga on the global scene and a concerted effort was made to publicize yoga and its benefits to the world. Yoga as it stood, was already popular in the world and the UNO readily consented to incorporate it as a global event and thus marked 21st June as world yoga day. It has been celebrated with great gusto in Ney york where thousands have gathered in madison square to do mass yogic asanas as well as chant the yogic hymns. One must understand that yoga has not only an exercise or physical aspect but also a meditation and spiritual aspect. Though the government in India has delinked the two, yet advanced yoga at a later stage becomes one with the spiritual aspect of yoga and leads a human being to the path of enlightenment. Yoga has a king asana called the head stand and it is said by yogis that in case a man does the headstand consistently then at some stage the spermatozoa of the male will trickle to the brain down the spine and a yogi will develop ESP. One Yogi visiting the USa in a Laboratory baffled scientists by maintaining different temperatures in both his hands. Something that could not be explained as one hand was much hotter than the other. The yogi claimed he had mastered this through yogic asanas. It is good the world has recognized Yoga as a disciple and it is the credit of India that yoga has originated from this mighty land. Now even Muslim women have accepted the Yoga asanas and the way is only forward now

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