
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Joe Biden will Accelerate the Implosion inside the USA

I don't understand what people mean by ‘welcoming the USA back.’ I do not think anybody is welcoming the USA back with Biden as president because he seems to have a one-point agenda and that is to undo all the actions of Donald Trump. In fact, his policies are going to lead to the impending implosion of the United States from the inside because of the racial and economic policies that have now come to the fore. America became the self-styled policeman of the world but the price for that has led to a budget deficit of $3 trillion. In addition, $1.7 trillion is owned by China out of the foreign debt of the USA. The USA is also a

net importer and the biggest exporter in the world is China. Donald Trump was trying to undo all the damage because of the policies of the American presidents right from Clinton downwards to Obama. Overall he was good for America but the far left didn't like him including the fourth and fifth estate. They conspired to get him defeated and put in a man like Joe Biden as president. The road now is only downhill for America and I don't think anybody's bothered about America at all now as people are more concerned about that red dragon breathing fire and brimstone and threatening the world.

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