
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Paradise, Islam and Virgins, a Tremendous Motivating Force

Recently one of the fighters fighting for the ISIS commented that he could not spend much time with his wife, but there was nothing to worry as once he went to paradise his wife would join him there and he would have plenty of time to talk to her. This concept of paradise where women will greet the holy warriors who have sacrificed their lives for Islam is one of the basic tenets of Islam. In fact Islam promises the true believers 72 virgins as wives in paradise. There are varied descriptions of this paradise and women in the Koran as well as the Hadiths. In fact the Koran does not mention any number, which is mentioned in the Hadiths. The concept of virgins after death in paradise for the true believers is atremendous motivating force in Islam. One can write reams and reams on this subject but most Islamic writers agree that the concept of paradise in Islam is sensual in nature.

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