
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Let's Face it the Seeds of the Beheading of US Photo Journalist lies in the Teachings of Islam

I have seen the video on You Tube which depicts the beheading of a defenceless American reporter with a knife by a Jihadi. I understand the Jihadi is now identified as a British Muslim and obviously he takes great relish in beheading a defence less man. The civilized world is appalled, but I have yet to hear a condemnation of the beheading by any Muslim anywhere in the world. This is the sad fact. What is the reason that makes Muslims so heartless and cruel where they ignore the basic requirements of a civilized world? Unfortunately the answer lies in the double speak of the religion itself. Islam advocates killing of kafirs and the Sharia advocates the execution of a death sentence by beheading. Incidentally this is not the first beheading of a western as earlier in Pakistan Daniel Pearl another reporter was also beheaded.
Islam talks of Jihad or a religious war and I can safely say no other religion advocates a war on religious grounds. Since there is double speak in the religion, hard liners interpret it their own way and draw their own conclusions. Its about time the moderate Muslims banded against this hydra which is represented by teh ISIS. Come to think of it all this may not have happened if Bush had not removed saddam Hussein and hanged him. He was the man who kept extremists at bay and hanged dozens of them. The USA lost the plot, when they hanged Saddam and though I am saddened by this killing ,the blame in a way lies at the door of George Bush.

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