
Friday, June 13, 2014

Does a Relationship with a younger woman stimulate greater achievement for a man

The title of this short post is pretty explicit. In short, it means that a sexual relationship brings out the genius of an older man. A study of the great men of the world shows that this is  not an exception but almost a rule.
Look at Picasso and Alberto Moravia or for that matter, any successful man in any field a relationship with a woman considerably younger than the man, perhaps adds to the man's creative powers.
The ancient Indian granth's ( holy books)elucidate on this aspect of a man-woman relationship. Tantra sex recommends a sexual relationship with a younger woman for a man’s intellect to flower.
There is little doubt that such a relationship is one that has very beneficial effects. Research in some western universities has confirmed this.
It’s a tricky subject shrouded in prudery and convention. Most societies frown on such sexual liaisons, but again they are very much a part of the scenario.the proof of the pudding is in its eating and one must get into a relationship with a younger woman to experience the truth of what the Granths say

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