
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Conquering warriors who subdue armies also love to conquer women ?

History recounts the great conquerors for almost 4000 years. The Mahabharata and the Ramayana recount the  heroic deeds of the great warriors, so do the Iliad and other western chronicles. The great warriors like Alexander and Chengiz Khan  won many battles and they had an undercurrent of invincibility. But along with this is another current that flows along side these warriors and this is the possession of women. Thus in all battles the great conquerors took women as spoils of war. Perhaps they got the same amount of exhilaration after winning a battle as they went about the physical conquest of the women.

Some of these thoughts are in my mind and I thought it best to share them with my readers. Love is certainly an ingredient, but the physical conquest of a woman is perhaps akin to a victory in battle, where the clashing swords and the guns create smoke and a surreal atmosphere.

But, what about the common man? Is he also prey to these thoughts. I am afraid this is so and the great captains of Industry and the lowly worker in their own way do follow the path laid down by the conquerors of yore. Victories over a woman will give immense satisfaction to a man. The ancients applied coercion, but that is anathema now and as such the challenge is greater now for women are no longer spoils of war, but need wooing and winning over. Man can certainly adapt himself to this change as it is part of the theory of evolution.

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