
Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Hand and the Horoscope * 78

Recently I read a book 'Numerology by the eminent Astro Palmist Katkar. I was thrilled to read that the writer while in Bombay in the late forties of the last century was staying in a hotel.There he was approached two men who wanted to see his palm.This the astro numerologist readily consented. The men began to write some numbers on a piece of paper, keeping the hand in focus.

Katkar records that in about 15 minutes the men drew his  horoscope from the palm.It was an astounding feat says katkar to see the men casting an horoscope from the palm.This shows that the palm has a lot of mystery and is connected to the Astrological sciences.

The study of the palm and forecasts from it are in the realm of Palmistry. This is an ancient science, but to cast an horoscope from the hand shows that the hand and its lines have a deeper meaning.  Generally the left hand is associated with God given qualities and the right shows the actul developments. But it is a vast science and needs a lot of study.  I myself have studied this science for over 3 decades and can vouchsafe that one can make uncanny predictions from the lines on the Palm.

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